End Poverty in all Dorms and create Decent Jobs
Increasing access to quality education in disadvantaged inner-city urban communities
Exploring the causes of unemployment and improving working conditions for disadvantaged rural residents
Improving employment opportunities for low-income individuals
If unemployment is a matter of eagerness to work, how can we motivate people to work?
Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women
Achieving tangible goals of women empowerment in tandem with UN organizations such as HeForShe to improve women participation at all levels in society
Creating better job opportunities for undereducated women in rural regions.
Preventing gender-based violence around the world.
Increasing the safety of women traveling the streets of Bangkok alone at night.
End Hunger, Achieve Food Security, Improved Nutrition
Promoting access to healthy and nutritious food to all regions of the world and to people of all socioeconomic background.
Improving grass-root level awareness on sustainable agricultural practices to solve hunger and food security issues locally.
Reducing food waste to promote sustainable production and consumption