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End Poverty in all Dorms and create Decent Jobs

  • Increasing access to quality education in disadvantaged inner-city urban communities

  • Exploring the causes of unemployment and improving working conditions for disadvantaged rural residents

  • Improving employment opportunities for low-income individuals

  • If unemployment is a matter of eagerness to work, how can we motivate people to work?



Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women

  • Achieving tangible goals of women empowerment in tandem with UN organizations such as HeForShe to improve women participation at all levels in society

  • Creating better job opportunities for undereducated women in rural regions.

  • Preventing gender-based violence around the world.

  • Increasing the safety of women traveling the streets of Bangkok alone at night.

End Hunger, Achieve Food Security, Improved Nutrition

  • Promoting access to healthy and nutritious food to all regions of the world and to people of all socioeconomic background.

  • Improving grass-root level awareness on sustainable agricultural practices to solve hunger and food security issues locally.

  • Reducing food waste to promote sustainable production and consumption



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